Feed the Soil, Heal yourself!

Womens Balance 100 Capsules-Dragon Herbs


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Women’s Balance is a famous Blood, Qi and Shen tonic. It is a harmonization formula that has been used widely by women throughout Asia for centuries. Women’s Balance nurtures, vitalizes, smoothes and regulates the flow of Qi and Blood. It normalizes digestive functions, and it is renowned for its ability to help maintain normal female balance and healthy reproductive/menstrual function.

The tonic herbs in this formulation calm the central nervous system. Women’s Balance provides menopausal support. It has been used by tens of millions of women in Asia and around the world. It helps mitigate stress response, solidify sound sleep, regulate appetite, and promote healthy reproductive tissues and functions. It supports mood.

Ingredients: Bupleurum root, Chinese Mint leaf, Dang Gui root, White Peony root, Fresh Ginger rhizome, Poria sclerotium, White Atractylodes rhizome, Chinese Licorice root.

DosageTake 3 capsules, 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional.