Balancer Pro Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Ballancer®Pro FDA-cleared, professional use device for contact-less lymphatic drainage massage
Patented Ballancer®Pro Pants
Patented Ballancer®Pro Jacket
Expander sets if need be
Benefits include:
* Safest & fastest full-body toxin flush-out
* Optimize your body’s health and performance
* Boost your immune system
* Recover faster and reduce muscle soreness after exercise
* Remove excess fluid and reduce swelling
* Improve fat loss with better circulation
* Skin Toning and Body Contouring
* Reduce the appearance of cellulite
*Great for pre surgery/post surgery recovery

Have you heard about our Lymphatic System? If you have, you’re more than likely in the medical field! If not, we’re here to help you learn more about this major part of our Immune System. In simple terms, this system performs one of the most vital roles for our bodies, it allows our bodies to properly drain toxins, excess waste, fluids, lactic acid and performs many other crucial tasks for our bodies.

It has three interrelated functions which include:
* Removal of excess fluids from the body’s tissue
* Absorption of fatty acids and transportation of fat
* Production of immune cells
The Lymphatic System works in cooperation with white blood cells to protect the body in many ways. These include prevention of infection by cancer cells, fungi, viruses, and other bacteria.
You may not know this but when our lymph nodes become swollen, unpleasant health issues tend to ensue. You can improve your body’s ability to protect itself by addressing symptoms of swollen lymph Nodes. With the Ballancer®Pro you can massages your lymphatic system often to help keep your body disease-free. Lymph movement is essential to a healthy lymphatic system. Being able to perform this function occurs with low pressure peristalsis. The involuntary, wave-like constriction and relaxation of muscles inside your body.
The Magic of the Lymphatic System
* cleanses
* moves waste OUT of your body
* flushes out metabolic waste
* eliminate stress & lowers your acidic stress hormones (cortisol)
Most importantly you must know that in order to regulate these, the lymphatic system must be working properly, as it is the active “drain” and transport mechanism for many of them. The Ballancer®Pro can help improve that process.